Del Ray Community Blood Drive

Pork Barrel BBQ 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA

Pork Barrel BBQ restaurant is sponsoring a Del Ray Community Blood Drive on Faturday, August 25. The bloodmobile will be parked in front of the restaurant on Mt. Vernon Avenue. All neighbors and community members are invited. All donors will receive a Crossbody Bag as a thank you for donating.* AND donors will receive a…

Del Ray Community Blood Drive

Pork Barrel BBQ 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA

Pork Barrel BBQ restaurant is proud to sponsor the Del Ray Community Blood Drive on Friday, December 29. The bloodmobile will be conveniently located in front of the restaurant on Mt. Vernon Avenue. We extend a warm invitation to all neighbors and community members to participate in this meaningful event. As a token of our appreciation,…

Pork Barrel BBQ Blood Drive

Pork Barrel BBQ 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA

Pork Barrel BBQ restaurant is hosting a community blood drive on Friday, April 5. The bloodmobile will be conveniently located in front of the restaurant on Mt. Vernon Avenue. We extend a warm invitation to all neighbors and community members to participate in this meaningful event. As a token of our appreciation, all donors will…

Pork Barrel BBQ Blood Drive

Pork Barrel BBQ 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA

Pork Barrel BBQ restaurant is hosting a community blood drive on Friday, August 2. The bloodmobile will be conveniently located in front of the restaurant on Mt. Vernon Avenue. We extend a warm invitation to all neighbors and community members to participate in this meaningful event. As a token of our appreciation, all donors will…