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Trivia Week

Test your trivia knowledge & save lives

Join the fun, save lives, and test your trivia skills during Trivia Week from Monday, January 6, to Friday, January 10!

🩸 Donate blood: Your donation makes a life-saving difference for those in need.
🧠 Play trivia: Show off your smarts with an exciting trivia challenge
🎁 Win Apple AirPods 4: Compete in our Trivia Challenge Giveaway for a chance to win Apple AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation!

Don’t miss this chance to have fun, save lives, and possibly walk away with an incredible prize.

How to participate

  • Book your spot: Schedule your appointment online at one of our donor centers
  • Join us: arrive at your chosen donor center during operating hours (Jan 6 -10).
  • Donate: you can donate whole blood, double red cells, and platelets.
  • Celebrate: Saving lives and testing your trivia skills by completing a printed trivia sheet before or after your donation for a chance to win Apple AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation.

Make this year more special by saving lives and joining the fun during Trivia Week. Book your appointment today and participate in this lifesaving event!

Important Notes:

  • Photo ID required.
  • Masking is optional for all donors.
  • Please allow one hour for your donation.

While supplies last. Shirt colors may vary. You must complete the screening process at an Inova Donor Center from 1/6/25 – 1/10/25 to receive your giveaways and be entered to win the AirPods. 3 winners will be chosen. Winners will be notified via the phone by 1/16/25.

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January 6, 2025
January 10, 2025
6201 Centreville, St 300
Centreville, 20120 United States
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45745 Nokes Blvd
Sterling, VA 20166
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View Venue Website
3289 Woodburn Road, #010
Annandale, VA 22003 United States
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