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Lifesaving Resolution Donation Event

Start the new year by saving a life!

On Friday, January 3 of the new year, make a resolution that truly matters: donate blood or platelets at a donor center near you.

Join us as we kick off National Blood Donor Month this January. Every donation counts and every donor is a hero. As a thank you for donating during this event, you’ll receive a stylish quarter-zip, an Inova water bottle, and a cooling towel to keep you refreshed!

Start strong. Give life. Be a hero.

How to participate

  • Book your spot: Schedule your appointment online at one of our donor centers
  • Join us: arrive at your chosen donor center during operating hours.
  • Donate: you can donate whole blood, double red cells, and platelets.
  • Celebrate: National Blood Donor Month with a lifesaving donation, and enjoy healthy snacks to refuel and refresh after you give!

After your donation, Inova team members will be available to answer your questions about how often you can donate and help you pledge to give at least twice in 2025. Play a vital role in keeping the blood supply strong and stable. Our team can even help you schedule your next donation on the spot!

Important Notes:

  • Photo ID required.
  • Masking is optional for all donors.
  • Please allow one hour for your donation.

While supplies last. Shirt colors may vary. You must complete the screening process on 1/3/25 to receive your giveaways.

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January 3, 2025
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
6201 Centreville, St 300
Centreville, 20120 United States
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45745 Nokes Blvd
Sterling, VA 20166
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3289 Woodburn Road, #010
Annandale, VA 22003 United States
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