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Regency at Dominion Valley Blood Drive

The neighbors of Regency at Dominion Valley in Haymarket are hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, October 24 in the Regency Clubhouse. The bloodmobile will be in the parking lot of the clubhouse. All neighbors and community members are invited.

All donors will receive a Halloween t-shirt as a thank you for donating.*

Book your appointment:
Visit: https://bit.ly/DVR1024
Call 1(866) 256-6372, use Sponsor Code 7099

Contact: Maureen Ivers – maureen.ivers@gmail.com

Photo ID Required. Masking is optional for all donors and team members. Allow one hour for your donation. *While supplies last. Colors may vary. Must complete the screening process to receive the giveaway.

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October 24, 2023
7:30 am - 12:00 pm


Regency at Dominion Valley
15351 Championship Drive
Haymarket, 20169 United States
+ Google Map